In order to verify the coverage of the Shuswap Amateur Radio Club repeaters compared to modeling data, the club decided to organize and hold an exercise to determine the actual coverage of the VHF repeaters on the major highway routes in the region. The exercise was held on Saturday, June 22nd 2024 starting at 10:30AM local time.
Category Archives: Repeaters
VE7RNH Controller Issues
Following the installation of the new lead-carbon batteries on the RNH repeater, by Phil VE7BPH and Peter VE7RZZ on September 30th, the controller began beaconing a ‘Battery Alert’ alarm whenever it transmitted. It wasn’t possible to access the repeater and turn off the alarms using DTMF tones despite attempts by Phil VE7BPH and Robin VE7HMN. It appeared that it would be necessary to reload the repeater’s programming code, so a site visit was arranged for Friday, October 6th.
RNH Back On the Air
The VE7RNH repeater is back on the air today courtesy of Mike VE7LOG, Ryan and Dave who sledded up to the repeater and cleared the heavy accumulation of snow on the solar panels. Thankfully, after an hour of charging the repeater radios and controller came back to life. The Voltage this evening reads 11.8 Volts and should continue to climb as we get sun in the next couple of days. Thanks Dave, Ryan and Mike! Photos below …
RNH and AHR Service – Oct 2019
QMR Service Trip August 17th, 2019
VE7RNH – Winter Service March 2019
On Saturday, VA7TMK, newly-minted SARC club president, as of the AGM two evenings prior, and his band of intrepid snowmobile support keeners, made their way up to the club’s hub repeater VE7RNH at 5500 feet on Granite Peak in the Fly Hills for a much-needed servicing.
VE7RNH Repeater on the Move
On January 11, 2015, the components of the VE7RNH repeater after having been checked and tested by Robin VE7HMN at his Mount Ida QTH, were transported to a new location where they will stay until Granite Peak in the Fly Hills becomes weather-accessible in the spring and summer for relocation to the repeater shack at 5500 feet.
Vandalism at RNH Repeater
Temporary RNH Repeater in Place
Patrick, VE7FAT has assembled and programmed some surplus Vella Radio equipment as a temporary replacement of the VE7RNH repeater and installed it at the Granite Peak site on Wednesday, July 16th. It has a bit of a de-sensing problem due to operating without a duplexer (it has a separate receiving antenna from the RNH collinear that is being used as the transmitting antenna).
Granite Peak Repeater VE7RNH

This gallery contains 7 photos.