(1) The name of the Society is SHUSWAP AMATEUR RADIO CLUB.
(2) The objects of the Society are:
(a) To promote amateur radio operation in the North Okanagan Shuswap area.
(b) To install and operate repeater stations in the North Okanagan Shuswap area.
(c) To assist in training for obtaining radio amateur license.
(d) To provide recreation activities for society members.
(e) To provide upon request voluntary radio communication service to the public in emergencies, disasters, and such planned events as races, parades, and exhibitions, requiring assistance for management and safety.
(f) To work with the Provincial Emergency Program to provide such training, manpower, and resources, as are available, to improve the preparedness of the
Community for unseen calamitous circumstances.
(g) To assist upon request the radio amateurs in the Shuswap Volunteer Search and Rescue organization with access to the club’s facilities and expertise.
(3) The operations of the Society are to be chiefly carried on in the Shuswap, and North Okanagan areas in the Province of British Columbia.
(4) In the event of the winding up or dissolution of the Society, all the funds and assets of the Society remaining after the payment or satisfaction of all costs, charges, expenses, debts and liabilities of the Society, including the remuneration (if any) of a liquidator, and after payment to employees of the Society of any arrears of salaries or wages, and after the payment of any debts of the Society, shall be given, transferred and distributed to such organizations that are registered charities pursuant to the provisions of the Income Tax Act that shall be designated by the members of the Society at the time of the winding up or dissolution of the Society, and if effected cannot be given to the afore-said provisions, such funds shall be given, transferred and distributed to such organizations that are determined by the members of the Society to be registered charities pursuant to the provisions of the Income Tax Act which have purposes similar to those of the Society. This clause is unalterable.