2025 – Reino Keski-Salmi Loppet
Category Archives: News
QMR Maintenance Sept. 27/24
On Friday, September 27th, Dorn VE7HDU and Hans VE7OHR provided transportation for Phil VE7BPH and Robin VE7HMN up to the Queest Mountain Repeater via the Malakwa route.
Traveling in Canada
Summer tower work.
Wayne, VA7VT has chosen to ignore the long held tradition of doing tower work in the depths of winter. Instead, he’s decided to repair the coax to his 2M antenna in the heat of summer.
Repeater Coverage Exercise
In order to verify the coverage of the Shuswap Amateur Radio Club repeaters compared to modeling data, the club decided to organize and hold an exercise to determine the actual coverage of the VHF repeaters on the major highway routes in the region. The exercise was held on Saturday, June 22nd 2024 starting at 10:30AM local time.
Traveling in Canada
Was visiting Ottawa in July and attended the POTA outing held by the Ottawa Valley Mobile radio club. Here is one of their members VE3LC working FT8 mobile with a RasperryPi400 interfaced to an apple ipad for display..
Kenwood TM -D700 noisy fan
Was dealing with an older Kenwood TM D700 VHF/UHF mobile. Fan was really noisy to the point of being unusable in the home qth. I googled the problem and found that if you remove the fan from the casing, peel off the fan identity sticker and add a few drops of light oil the noise stops… fyi to all and 73 for now.
Carnes Creek Rec site north of Revelstoke
Was camping at Carnes Creek Rec Site last week. Camp site #6 set up my Zastone D9000 and a small magnet mount UHF/VHF car mount antenna mounted to a baking ray.