As stated in our original constitution, the objectives of our society are:
[a] To promote amateur radio operation in the North Okanagan Shuswap area.
[b] To install and operate repeater stations in the North Okanagan Shuswap area.
[c] To assist in training for obtaining radio amateur licenses.
[d] To provide recreation activities for society members.
In April 1996 the following objectives were added to more closely reflect current activities:
[e] Provide upon request voluntary radio communication service to the public in emergencies, disasters, and such planned events as races, parades, and exhibitions, requiring assistance for management and safety.
[f] To work with the Provincial Emergency Program to provide such training, manpower, and resources, as are available, to improve the preparedness of the community for unseen calamitous circumstances.
[g] To assist upon request the radio amateurs in the Shuswap Volunteer Search and Rescue organization with access to the club’s facilities and expertise.