The following is a detailed Remembrance of Tosh sent over the holidays to Bill VE7KDK and Jenny VE7KIY with best wishes to them and to all club members from Ken and Eileen Kajiwara with appreciation for us “being so respectful and friendly to both him and my mom.”
Monthly Archives: January 2015
Since long before I became a ham in 1993, members of the Shuswap Amateur Radio Club have provided Emergency Communications for this major Salmon Arm cross-country skiing event in the Larch Hills.
Silent Key: Adrien Bouvier VA7ANB
Adrien Joseph Bouvier of Okanagan Falls passed away on Friday, January 9, 2015 after a lengthy courageous battle against cancer at the age of 83.
VE7RNH Repeater on the Move
On January 11, 2015, the components of the VE7RNH repeater after having been checked and tested by Robin VE7HMN at his Mount Ida QTH, were transported to a new location where they will stay until Granite Peak in the Fly Hills becomes weather-accessible in the spring and summer for relocation to the repeater shack at 5500 feet.
Heathkit RF Signal Generator
Model 1G-102 with manual
Ken Hoshowski VE7FP