SARC Trailer — 2019 Prep — May 18

SARC Trailer Committee — Stronger Than Dirt

On the afternoon of May 18, the intrepid trio of Dave VA7HDY, Simon VE7SHG, and Ron VE7RLE did a whirlwind clean-up of the club trailer which had survived yet another winter at the QTH of Peter VE7RZZ who will be hosting Field Day and a Tail-Gate Flea Market at the same time at this venue.

Cleanup included the disposal of 987 fly carcasses, scrubbing of all counter-tops and even the floor, as well as all

windows inside and out.

The trailer spare tire was brought up from zero to 35 p.s.i. and the trailer tires themselves were still at full pressure.

The generator was started and run for about 20 minutes.

Work was closely supervised by Simon’s son-in-law Scott and lively grandson Skye.

Field Day use of the trailer this year should be a pleasure, as all that will have to be worried about on June 21 [set-up day] will be what to bring for radio equipment, lights and the coffee pot into a very clean trailer.

Thanks to the committee for getting us underway.

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