As of today, July 11th, the VE7RNH repeater has been out-of-service for about a week, likely due to damage suffered from a thunder-and-lightning storm in the vicinity of Fly Hills.
An assessment of damage and consequent repairs may take some time.
In the interim, we may look at alternatives, so that the combined net of the Shuswap Amateur Radio Club and the Salmon Arm Seniors ARC may continue to be offered each Sunday evening.
Alternatives may include 146.520 Simplex or perhaps the Queest Repeater at 145.470- which continues to operate satisfactorily as a stand-alone repeater. No one solution will reach all stations. I will send out an e-mail on Sunday, July 13 to let you know where to listen at 2000 hrs.
I have been the main Net Control Operator for some years now. Tim VA7GE has generously taken over sometimes for a number of months in succession, totalling perhaps a year. Robin VE7HMN has filled in as well on occasion, as have others.
I no longer wish to be the main Net Control Operator, so effectively in August and September when I will travelling, I will no longer operate the net. Tim has agreed to take the net for several weeks, but he can not commit to a longer period of time.
We are looking for other volunteers to come forward. I have a one-page printed sheet which I can e-mail to those interested. You can use it as a guide or modify it to make it more interesting. Both Tim and I will help you if you have questions.
So, as of the first Sunday in August, August 3rd, there will be a new voice behind the mic on a frequency that we hope can reach all of those who normally check in.
73— Ron VE7RLE