My last entry was about my first Field Day. Since that time I have been unable to participate in any others, not from a lack of desire just circumstances. This year hopefully I will be a bit more involved. But before we get into that we have one thing we must accomplish, a little background first. You may well remember my tale and experience on putting up the antique tent and the manpower and “expertise”required? Well no more, the tent has been disposed of to a good home and we wish the new owners the best of luck and happy camping. We now have a new structure to work on and on Saturday May 11th will be the unveiling, launching, maiden “voyage” of our new tent. Apparently it is possible for one man to set it up but we don’t know yet which man that is, hopefully we can determine that on the aforementioned Saturday. Volunteers are encouraged to attempt this feat and the successful contender will be lauded, feted and forever remembered, well may be not. If we do not find that man we will do it the old fashioned way with a crew.
Also on the aforementioned Saturday we will be doing a bit of work on our Emergency Trailer. We are looking at turning the toilet/shower area into a more suitable storage space, removing the holding tanks maybe, installing solar panels and two 6 volt deep cycle batteries. There may be other cosmetic alterations attempted or planned for the future.
This Saturday event will be in lieu of our regular monthly meeting but we will set aside some time during the day to submit reports and discussion as we normally do.
This will all take place at Peter Rizzi’s QTH on Saturday May 11, 2013 commencing at 10:30 a.m.
One final note, bring a lunch and at the end of all the “festivities” we will have a bit of a BBQ and feed you hamburgers.
This blurb was brought to you by three fingers and a thumb from the infernal machine of VE7SHG