2025 – Reino Keski-Salmi Loppet
Well, it’s done and dusted for another year and what a day it was. Temperatures were about -7 and the sun was shining for the 41st annual Reino Keski-Salmi Loppet. Even with the milder temperatures and the lack of snow at lower elevations the course was in pristine condition. There were 429 registered racers this year along with their families and cheering crews. The race course was altered slightly from previous years to a 32 Km double loop format that proved to be more efficient. The new course worked so well that the SARC crew was back at the chalet before 13:00 hours.
Our radios worked without any serious glitches on the RNH repeater although the Club’s VHF Kenwood
TM-V71 was found to be in need of some maintenance or perhaps replacing. Thanks to Mike/VE7LOG for hooking up a SWR meter to the antenna and discovering a feeble output. Mike had another radio and antenna that he was able to swap in to keep us in secure contact with the checkpoints. Simplex radio wasn’t viable for communications so the RNH repeater was used to provide reliable communications.
This year’s volunteers were Celia Harris/VE7NIA, Dave Hadley/VA7HDY, Mike Kennedy/VE7LOG, Peter Jugovic/VE7PAE, Gary Stortz/VE7GSZ and the return of Mike Van Kuyk/VE7KPZ from the Vernon Club. Mike/VE7LOG filled in at the last minute for Phil Baker/VE7BPH as Phil discovered he had no water for his house and cattle at six in the morning.
Submitted by: Dave Hadley/VA7HDY

Gary/VE7GSZ arriving back at the chalet from his checkpoint on the course

Celia and Richard Reeves, a former SARC member

Mike/VE7KPZ, Dave/VA7HDY and Celia/VE7NIA at net control

Mike/VE7LOG at net control

Peter/VE7PAE looks happy to be back to the chalet