Minutes: April 13, 2023

Shuswap Amateur Radio Club Minutes

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting: April 13, 2023

Location: Piccadilly Mall Community Room

Present: Phil/BPH, Al/AN, Dave/HDY, Al/CAL, Simon/SHG, Peter/PAE

Via ZOOM- Wayne/VT, Celia/NIA

Guest – Greg Lukan/VE7GKL – became paid up member after the meeting

  1. Call to Order: 1905, Phil in the Chair
  2. Introductions – round table
  3. Adoption of the Agenda: M: Peter S: Celia                                  CARRIED
  4. Adoption of March9th Minutes: M: Dave S: Al/AN                       CARRIED
  5. Financial Report: Treasurer – Simon

Regular Account: $ 1703.54                                             Gaming Account: $2460.52

Income: March M’brships $210.00                                                 Income: Interest – $0.22

Interest – $0.16

Expenses: TFRO Systems – Controller $231.88                          Expenses: none

Society Registration – $40.00

M: Simon              S: Al/CAL, that that report be:                                                       ADOPTED

  1. Web Site: no report
  2. Repeater Reports: all repeaters working fine. Voltages good

7.1 VE7RNH – 146.760- :

7.2 VE7AHR – 147.140+:

7.3 VE7QMR – 145.470-:

7.4 VE7RSA – 147.020+:

  1. Club Correspondence:

8.1 BC Registries, changes to the Societies Act.  Copy emailed to the Executive

8.2 Post Office box renewal – Simon has done that

  1. New and Unfinished Business:

9.1Appointment of Committee Members

Technical Committee – Chair – Mike Kennedy, Peter Rizzi, Phil Baker, Robin Hickman

Ham of the Year Committee – Chair – Al Marr, Al Neufeld, Peter Jugovic

Trailer Committee – Dave Hadley, Simon Gray, Peter Rizzi

Inventory Committee – Chair – Celia Harris, Phil Baker, Peter Rizzi and volunteers

  1. Information Only Items:

10.1 Thanks to Hans Rooy/VE7OHR and helpers for clearing snow from QMR

10.2 Changes to the Societies Act will be dealt with as they are required

  1. Adjournment: 1934, Celia



Next Meeting: Executive – May 4, 2023                                        General:  May 11, 2023