Temporary RNH Repeater in Place

Patrick, VE7FAT has assembled and programmed some surplus Vella Radio equipment as a temporary replacement of the VE7RNH repeater and installed it at the Granite Peak site on Wednesday, July 16th.  It has a bit of a de-sensing problem due to operating without a duplexer (it has a separate receiving antenna from the RNH collinear that is being used as the transmitting antenna).

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Copper Island Activation in September is a Go!

Following an exchange of several emails to provide information and clarification of details, I received word today from Wes DeArmond, Thompson Eastern Lakes Area Supervisor with the Ministry of Environment, that SARC will be permitted to run an Island Activation station from Copper Island in September.  We will have to adhere to strict environmental standards while staging the event, but it has been approved.

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